Choosing the right dog food for your furry friend is no small task. With a myriad of options available, it’s crucial to pick a brand that meets all your dog’s nutritional needs while suiting your lifestyle.

Two standout options that have been gaining popularity among dog owners are Ollie and We Feed Raw. This comprehensive comparison aims to delve deep into both brands, offering you the insights needed to make an informed decision.

Before we compare these two brands, it’s important to understand the basics of dog nutrition. A balanced diet for dogs should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water in the right proportions. Raw dog food advocates argue that this diet is closer to what dogs would naturally eat in the wild, providing them with more bioavailable nutrients.

Founded with the mission to provide pets with the nutrition they need to thrive, Ollie offers customized meal plans tailored to your dog’s specific needs. This personalization is based on factors like age, breed, and activity level, ensuring your dog receives the perfect blend of nutrients.

Ollie Meals

Personalized Meal Plans: These meal plans are based on an extensive questionnaire that assesses your dog’s health, weight, allergies, and preferences.

High-Quality Ingredients: Ollie uses only human-grade ingredients, ensuring your dog eats as well as you do.

Flexible Subscription Options: Adjust, pause, or cancel subscriptions based on your needs.

Nutritional Benefits: Each Ollie meal is formulated by veterinary nutritionists to ensure it meets the specific nutritional needs of your dog, regardless of their life stage.

We Feed Raw stands out for its commitment to providing raw, meat-based diets that mimic a dog’s natural eating habits. Their meals consist of raw meat, bones, and organs, supplemented with vitamins and minerals for a balanced diet.

Raw ingredients for We Feed Raw

Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF): Focuses on a diet that includes 80% meat, 10% bone, and 10% organs, mimicking what dogs would naturally eat in the wild.

Ethically Sourced Ingredients: Prioritizes sustainability and animal welfare in sourcing its ingredients.

Custom Meal Plans: Offers personalized plans, considering your dog’s specific needs and preferences.

Nutritional Advantages: Highlighting the role of raw diets in promoting a healthier gut microbiome, leading to fewer digestive issues and allergies.

Both brands prioritize high-quality ingredients, but their sourcing and control processes differ.

Ollie: Emphasizes human-grade food. Ingredients are sourced from reputable farms and suppliers within the US, ensuring freshness and quality.

We Feed Raw: Prioritizes ethically sourced meats and natural components, including grass-fed beef and cage-free poultry, to provide the highest quality raw ingredients.

Nutritional Breakdown

When comparing nutritional content, both brands meet the AAFCO’s standards. However, the raw diet offered by We Feed Raw might provide more bioavailable nutrients for some dogs, according to some studies. For instance, a study in the “Journal of Animal Science” found that dogs on a raw diet had higher levels of certain beneficial fatty acids.

Ollie: Ollie offers a wider variety of recipes, which can be beneficial for picky eaters or dogs with specific dietary needs. Their four main recipes include chicken, beef, turkey, and lamb, each designed to suit different dietary needs and preferences.

We Feed Raw: While more limited in variety, it focuses on the raw diet’s purity and simplicity. They provide a variety of proteins, including more exotic options like duck and venison, catering to dogs with specific dietary restrictions or allergies.

The cost of both brands varies depending on the size and dietary needs of your dog. Generally, raw diets are more expensive, making We Feed Raw a pricier option. However, the value derived from each depends on your priorities for your dog’s nutrition.

To provide a clear cost comparison between Ollie dog food and We Feed Raw dog food, let’s use a hypothetical table format. This comparison will consider an average monthly cost for dogs of different sizes, assuming the dog is fully fed on either diet. Note that actual prices can vary based on the dog’s specific needs, any applicable discounts, and changes in pricing structures.

Dog SizeOllie Monthly Cost (Estimate)We Feed Raw Monthly Costs (Estimate)
Small (up to 20 lbs)$120 – $180$150 – $240
Medium (21-50 lbs)$210 – $420$270 – $540
Large (over 50 lbs)$420 and up$540 and up

Both brands require freezer storage until the meals are ready to be thawed and served, which may require some planning for pet owners.

Frozen: Ollie dog food is delivered frozen and can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months without losing its nutritional value. This extended freezer shelf life is convenient for stocking up on meals.

Refrigerated: Once thawed, Ollie recommends using the food within 4 days to ensure freshness and prevent spoilage.

Frozen: Similar to Ollie, We Feed Raw meals have a long freezer shelf life, with the brand suggesting that their food can be safely stored in the freezer for up to a year. This helps maintain the food’s nutritional integrity over time.

Refrigerated: After thawing, it’s advised to use the meals within 3 days. This shorter window compared to Ollie reflects the raw nature of the food and the need to minimize the risk of bacterial growth.

Ollie: Customer reviews for Ollie often highlight the quality of the food and the noticeable health benefits for their pets. Satisfaction with customer service is generally high, with many appreciating the ease of communication and the company’s commitment to resolving any issues promptly.

We Feed Raw: Reviews for We Feed Raw frequently commend the company for its quality customer service and the positive impact of its diet on pet health. Customers appreciate the knowledgeable support team and the company’s flexibility in accommodating special requests or dietary adjustments.

Both brands offer excellent customer service, with easy-to-navigate websites and straightforward subscription services. However, Ollie takes a slight edge with its more personalized customer support system.

Pros: Customizable meal plans, wide variety of recipes, convenient packaging and delivery

Cons: May be more expensive than traditional dog food, requires freezer storage

Pros: Promotes a diet close to what dogs would naturally eat, high-quality, raw ingredients

Cons: Limited variety, higher cost

Veterinarians often recommend choosing a diet that matches your dog’s specific needs. While some support raw diets for their potential health benefits, others prefer the controlled nutrition of brands like Ollie. Consulting with your vet is crucial before making a switch.

The choice between Ollie and We Feed Raw for your dog’s nutrition is a significant one that impacts not only their health and well-being but also your lifestyle and budget. Both brands offer unique advantages through their high-quality, carefully formulated meals—Ollie with its fresh, cooked options tailored to meet a variety of nutritional needs, and We Feed Raw with its commitment to mimicking a natural, ancestral diet through raw ingredients.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your dog’s specific health requirements, dietary preferences, and your personal convictions regarding raw versus cooked food. It is also essential to consider practical factors like storage capabilities, meal preparation time, and budget constraints. Regardless of which brand you choose, transitioning to a new diet should be done gradually, under the guidance of a veterinarian, to ensure it agrees with your dog’s digestive system and nutritional needs.

Q: Is raw dog food really better?

A: The debate on raw vs. commercial dog food is ongoing. Some studies suggest raw food can offer more bioavailable nutrients, but it is important to consider safety and nutritional balance.

Q: Can I switch between Ollie and We Feed Raw?

A: Yes, but any diet change should be gradual to avoid digestive upset.

Q: Are these brands suitable for all dog breeds?

A: Both brands cater to dogs of all sizes and breeds but check with your vet to ensure the diet matches your dog’s specific needs.

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